Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July! A True Independence Day

Independence Day, 2008 is dawning with pinks and blues this morning. We have had almost two days of rolling thunder storms, some humidity, rain and today is calm and somewhat cloudy. The sun has appeared almost every day this past week, and without extreme temperatures.
I am happy to report that Nancy is on the downhill side of the very difficult side effects from this chemo. This week has been infinitely better than the week after her first round of this new medicine. We owe much to Hospice, as they are the experts on pain control. She has been able to rest some, eat a little and we have had some laughs.
She was feeling good enough to sit up out here in the living room on Tuesday and we did get her head shaved. It is remarkable to me how much easier it was to do this task than it was the first time a couple of years ago. There was a whole bunch of emotion and tears (on my part) the first time and this time, we just got it done, laughed a little but no tears.
I am really feeling the multitude of prayer being offered on her behalf and for our whole family. I am calmer and more able to do what needs to be done without upsetting Nancy. My sleep patterns are a little altered, but I'm feeling very rested.
On Wednesday we tackled a big project. Nancy wanted to clear out her clothes closet, donating many of her beautiful things to me and Lorianne. Now that she is retired, she doesn't need the dress up clothes. She has always had an incredible flare for fashion. We reduced the size of the bedroom closet by more than half. Today we may do the hall closet where she has more clothes.
She had asked me last Sunday to try to find a heating pad, as the bone pain in her arms and shoulders is eased with heat. I love Anacortes. Everything is easy to get to and I found her local Walgreens without a hitch. The variety of heating pads was amazing and purchased this great, plush, soft pad with auto off control and she just loves it! It's extra long and lays across her shoulders without having to move it from side to side. Score! I also picked up a beautiful rose plant, April in Paris, and planted it outside the living room window. It looks very happy and healthy in its new location.
She had a check-up with the oncologist yesterday, labs were done and revealed her white count to be very low, so she got a shot of Neupogen which will boost white cell production. We go again today for a follow-up shot. Since it's a holiday the cancer center is closed, so we will go to the hospital nursing station for today's shot. That's all we have to do today.
Larry is heading into the mainland today to celebrate the 4th with Mike and Jennie and other family members. He will spend the night with them and pick Mom up tomorrow to bring her up here for the next week. Our trading off for a week to 10 days is working well for both of us, and Nancy is so appreciative. Mom and I each feel grateful we are able to help in this way.
Please keep praying and while your at it, be grateful for our freedom in this country. Happy 4th of July!

1 comment:

Mallory London said...

im so glad to read that everything is going okay :)

ps. did you take pics of those sweet shoes yet? :)