Saturday, July 19, 2008

Chemo 3 and Some Good Lab Results!

Beautiful Sunset tonight over mount Baker - and we have a full moon (with no eclipse) so what a gorgeous night. I've been here since Monday - can't believe the week has gone by so quickly. Nancy had her third round of this new miracle chemo yesterday. We had some great news about her lab tests. Not only has her white cell count begun climbing again, but some of her liver function studies have improved as well. If she had felt like it - we both could have done a happy dance yesterday!!
Today we were both up early and cleaned out one of her dressers. She went to sleep about 8:30 this morning and asked me to be sure to wake her by 3:00 for an appointment at the cancer center for her neulasta shot. Not sure on the spelling of that and I'm too lazy tonight to look it up. She slept until I woke her at 2:45! Wow. That was the best sleep she's had since before this round of chemo started several weeks ago. She felt good enough after the shot to take a little drive to a beach and one of our favorite lookouts. An all together beautiful day. She's sleeping now and I should be.
Tomorrow some of the kids and grandkids may stop by to say hi if she's feeling like it. They are staying at my house on Whidbey with my dear husband and keeping him out of trouble. I had a great e-mail from my second oldest granddaughter, Morgan, this morning letting me know that she found a very rare piece of yellow sea glass at our beach this morning while her daddy put the crab pots out to soak. She is a super star soccer player and now a super star sea glass seeker! Way to go Morgan!
Time for some sleep. Thanks again for all the prayers and good wishes. Sweet dreams.....

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