Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Summer Update on Nancy

Today is Saturday, June 27th. I'm in Anacortes for the next week or so. I got up early this a.m. and did a 5 mile training walk here. As I walked I heard some music and right there alongside the road was the Anacortes Relay for Life, with tons of tents and booths and people walking for the Cure! Wow - I can't tell you how much that lifted my spirits.

Nancy had the second in a series of four rounds of chemotherapy on Thursday. She did very well and slept fairly well on Thursday evening. Yesterday, the pain returned (caused by the chemo) - but this time we have a great arsenal of pain meds to keep her comfortable. She has been able to eat little bits of food and we're working hard to keep the nutrition up. We decided this medicine (just approved by the Feds in December) is a Miracle Drug. The cancer cells are putting up a fight as they are being obliterated, thus the pain. Nancy continues to amaze me with her grace and upbeat attitude.

If she's feeling up to it today, I will shave her head, as the little bit of growth is now starting to fall out, and heck - it's warm here - supposed to be in the mid to upper 80's! Our goal is to keep her comfy and cool. As always your prayers are appreciated.

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