Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pain Control is Better, Praise God!

It seems the new meds are doing better at controlling Nancy's pain. This was the most difficult week of my life. The caregiving part is something that comes naturally, but seeing my beloved sister in so much unrelenting pain was tough to say the least. Hospice has been wonderful. One of the "angels" came on Friday, changed the bed linens, and gave Nancy a pedicure. Also on Friday, my DH Larry brought one of our comfortable Queen Anne chairs up to have in Nancy's bedroom for visitors or for Mom or me to sit in while reading to Nancy or just visiting. What a gift of love!

I'm home now. Our eldest son, Jeff, brought my mom up to Nancy's to stay with her for a while, and I came home for some much needed rest. There were some funny things that happened last week. I was putting away dishes in Nancy's kitchen and the cupboard door came off at the hinge on one of the upper cabinets. I was holding it up in one hand, reaching out for a screwdriver I had just used to tighten the toilet seat, then using my foot to get a step stool close enough to stand on. I was able to get that door down safely. The next morning the cupboard door next to the first one came loose from the hinges. Nancy asked me if I'd been hanging on the doors - ha ha. When the handyman for her apartment building came by to re-attach the doors, he asked me the same thing. Uh, no.
My sister is my hero and such an inspiration. Through all this pain, she remains hopeful. She had an appointment with her oncologist on Thursday, which was the first day in a week she'd been up and dressed. For the first time in many visits he had some good news - her brain CT was clear - no metastatic disease there. We are grateful. She had a visit from some of the wonderful folks in her prayer group. Betsy brought a homemade blackberry pie. The visit lifted both our spirits. Another close friend from work came by with a gift. By the time they all lelft, Nancy was pretty exhausted.
Thursday night was rough. Her doctor changed her pain med regimen (hoping for more relief), but the dosage was too small. The hospice nurse came on Friday and got that straightened out and she rested much better Friday and Saturday.
I haven't done much training lately, and missed Expo for the 3 Day yesterday (Mike & Jennie went and did the 10 mile training walk). I plan to take a nice walk after church this morning, and get back into a routine of walking until I go back up to Nancy's.
We covet your prayers and are so grateful for them.


W.R said...

nice blog!

wiwi w

Unknown said...

Hi Gayle, my thoughts are with you ladies always!