Friday, September 19, 2008

Nancy is our Inspiration - NEVER GIVE UP!

I'm here at Nancy's and she started the new oral chemotherapy on Monday. She's taking it twice a day and combining it with her long term pain meds - so she usually sleeps for a few hours right after taking it. The week has been a real roller coaster ride.

I got here Tuesday and Mom drove home after a long time away. I was still walking pretty tenderly from the blisters on my feet and the tweak to my achilles tendon. I had an early morning hearing at DSHS over in Mt. Vernon and they assured me that her medical would be covered for this month and next at least. Then had a visit from the Hospice nurse and social worker about 4:00 on Wednesday. After some small talk, they told Nancy that she was "being discharged" from Hospice. We were so surprised. They explained that the nurse director reviewed the oncologist's notes and determined that Nancy's goals did not fit with Hospice. In other words, since she still wants to fight the cancer, and not give up hope, she can't have the benefit of Hospice Care.

I was upset, understanding that the nurse and social worker were just the messengers - but I let them know how crummy (must admit I used a stronger word to them) I thought it was for them to blindside us like that. I put a call into her oncologist.

Nancy had an appointment with the oncologist at 9:30 Thursday morning. He was very upset at how this news got passed on to us. I told him if something like this happens to another hospice patient - they should rework the process where the physician is informed - then he tells the patient. He did tell us that he had heard that the hospice program was going to discontinue "Open Access" which is what Nancy was enrolled in - as it has proven much too expensive. He also said he'd talk to the medical director at Hospice.

When we got home, a young man was here to pick up her oxygen!! I told him no way since the replacement oxygen hadn't been ordered yet. The day just got more interesting, and I was grateful that Nancy was able to sleep through most of it.

I got another phone call about 6:00 last night from the night nurse at Hospice who said that Nancy's doctor wanted her back in the program and now they are coming over this afternoon (Friday) to re-enroll her!

I am so relieved, and so is Nancy. It is very disruptive to change out the oxygen, and figure out different ways of getting the medicine and other needed help.

One of the most touching moments of the closing ceremony at the 3Day walk last weekend was when the survivors walked in to the stadium and we all lifted a shoe in their honor. Then the chant, NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER GIVE UP! resounded. That has been Nancy's attitude this whole 2 1/2 years and will continue to be.

Thanks again for all the prayers!

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